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  :: Help-файлы :: Binky send

.: Binky:send

[Help: Send]

SEND [dir]<file>

This will send you the specified file. You must specify the file, and you can optionally tell Binky where to look for that file. For more information on directories, use HELP CD, and for a better description on parameters, see HELP PARAMETERS.

If the file does not exist, or if Binky is having trouble reading it, you will get a message saying that the file is not accessable.

Otherwise, if it is available to be read, Binky then checks to see if it is a text file or a binary file. A text file is what you are reading now -- just words. No real special formatting. A binary file is an archive (.zip = zip file), a program (.exe = executable), or other type of file.

After checking to see if it is text or binary, Binky checks your quota. A quota is a system to make sure you don't request too many files at one time. It is designed to make sure that you don't run the machine Binky is running on into the ground. It doesn't sound like a good thing, but it allows Binky to
stay alive that much longer. Help documents do not get put into your quota, so you can safely request tons of help to learn about Binky without running out of your quota. Local files also do not count against you nearly as much as external files. For more information, read QUOTAS command.

If your quota is reached, Binky tells you that it could not send the file, and stops the current command, but will continue processing the rest of the commands in the e-mail message.

If it is a text file, Binky just sends it to you with no special formatting. It does check to see if you want it split into a specific size per e-mail. If you do want it split, Binky tries to not send out files which are bigger than the size you specified.

If it is a binary file, Binky will encode it (currently with UUEncode) and send the encoded message to you. The encoded message is a text file, which you need to decode before you can use it. For information on how to decode files, see HELP DECODING.

Once the file has been sent, Binky continues processing further commands.

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Web-master: Сергей Невский (Sergey Nevsky) from Cherepovets | Хостинг предоставлен ХостингКласс!