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  :: Help-файлы :: Binky split
.: Binky: split

 SPLIT [size]

Splits messages to you at [size] kilobytes. Split is defaulted to 0, which means for it to not split. If you do not specify a size, it will display the current split setting.

Please note that people from will have their split size automatically set to 55k, with no need to worry about specifying it yourself. Similarly, if your mail server has a limit on incoming mail messages, and Binky knows about it, your split size will be asjusted accordingly.

This command is for people with limits on the sizes of incoming mail messages. People from can only have a grand total of 60k per message, including the headers, so a safe size to split would be


People from (the now defunct) had 30k limits, so they used


The SPLIT command ignores letters and anything after a space, so the following are all identical and will split messages at 25 kilobytes.

SPLIT 25 100

Now comes the question, "What is a kilobyte?" It is an amount of data. One byte is one character (like the letter q). Ten bytes is simply ten letters. Kilo means "thousand," so it makes sense that a kilobyte is one thousand bytes. It is (almost). One kilobyte is 1024 bytes. It is just the way
computers do things, and it is easiest to explain if we just say that computers find the number 1024 a lot easier to handle than 1000. :-)

Anyway, when you want a document split at (for example) 10 kilobytes, Binky will try to pack as many full lines of text into each message and will not go over the 10 kilobyte barrier. Then you ask, "Why do you suggest splitting at five kilobytes before the limit?" Well, when a message is sent via
the Internet, each machine which touches it will put a little bit of information in the top of the e-mail. Usually, you don't see that kind of stuff. Anyway, that does count towards the size of the e-mail message, so by the time it finally gets to the recipiant, an additional 1 to 4 k have been added.
Actually, allowing just five kilobytes as a buffer is semi-small, but it should work fine for most people.

Below is an example of using SPLIT and SEND, so you can get a better feel for both commands:

SEND filename
Sends you the file unsplit
Sets the splitting to 10 k
SEND filename
Sends you the file split into 10 k chunks
Sets the splitting to 50 k
SEND file1
Sends you the file split into 50 k chunks
SEND file2
Sends you the file split into 50 k chunks
Sets the splitting to 24 k

As a side note, whatever SPLIT is set to at the end of the message is what Binky will send the results message in. So, with the above example, the results message will be sent to you split into 24 k chunks.

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