.: Binky: whois
[Help: Whois]
WHOIS [server] <host.name>
To find out who owns a particular domain, you query what is
known as a 'whois' server. This command attempts to find out
which server to query for information, and then asks the whois
server about the information. You can also specify the server
to query.
An example that will figure out who owns the yahoo.com domain:
WHOIS yahoo.com
Binky uses a modified whois module that is fairly intelligent.
Since InterNIC is passing along domains to other whois
servers, Binky will forward your whois request to the correct
server for nearly any domain you can think of. You should
never be forced to specify the whois server, unless it is
a very specialized task.
A server of whois.abuse.net will give you the administrative
email addresses for any server that it knows. So, if you have
some spam and you want to know who you are supposed to email
your complaints to, use the whois.abuse.net server to get
email address or two of administrators for that system.