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  :: Help-файлы :: ILIAD

.: Iliad help.

Dear ILIAD User,

The ILIAD knowbot is programmed to respond to four categories of email which are sorted based on information contained in the Subject line. The four categories of mail for ILIAD are:

1. Subject: start iliad
start iliad in the subject line causes ILIAD to send system instructions to the requestor. These instructions are listed below for your convenience.

2. Subject: iliad query
iliad query in the subject line initiates the query processing mode. If the entire format of the query is correct, the query is processed and the answers are emailed to the user. If the query format is incorrect, an error message is sent to the user indicating the problem to be corrected.

3. Subject: get url
get url in the subject line initiates the URL retrieval mode. For every line in the email that started with "url: <the-url-name>" iliad will retrieve the <the-url-name> and emails the document to the user.

4. Subject: iliad admin
iliad admin in the subject line forwards the email message to the ILIAD system administrator. These instructions are listed below for your convenience also.

5. All other cases receive this mail message. If you are reading this message, please reformat your mail message to conform to one of the above formats.


ASK ILIAD by sending it E-Mail.
Here's How:

1. Type an E-Mail message in the format listed below. You can save this format in your E-mail address book so each E-mail only requires that you
enter the keywords. 2. Questions should be keywords relevant to your request. Avoid common and cross-disciplinary words. Select narrow, unique
search terms that are focused on your topic. Submit 1 query per E-Mail.
3. E-mail your request to:

4. The format required is:

Subject: iliad query
[blank line]
?Q: your query keywords
[blank line]

For Example:

Subject: iliad query

?Q: NASA Learning Technologies Project


A special option exists for those who have Web browsers and would prefer their answers as a list of hyperlinks in an html document. If you request
this option, save the file you receive as a .html file and bring it up in the Web browser as a local file.


Subject: iliad query

*OutputType : urls
?Q: NASA Learning Technologies Project


If you wand embedded hot links in your document, add "*outputtype: dwl"
(document with links) before your the query line.


Subject: iliad query

*outputtype: dwl
?q: NASA Learning Technologies Project


A tip about query terms:
Recently an instructor wanted information concerning Division 1 NCAA swimming. The best terms to use for this query are NCAA and swimming. The terms Division and 1 are too broadly interpreted to be useful in this particular question. Apply this example to your selection of keywords.

Stopwords are words that should not be used as keywords. ILIAD stopwords are: about above almost am and anything are around do everything how if is less more not nothing something that the was were what when where why


Example 1 of get url:

Subject: get url


Example 2 of get url:
To see embedded hot links in returned document:

Subject: get url

*outputtype: dwl


System administration:
If you would like to communicate with the ILIAD system administrator send mail to:
Subject: iliad admin
with your message in the body of the mail.

The system administrator will reply to your mail.

   :: Copyright.
Со всеми пожеланиями и предложениями просим обращаться сюда. Карта сайта | Последнее обновление: 28.08.2007
Web-master: Сергей Невский (Sergey Nevsky) from Cherepovets | Хостинг предоставлен ХостингКласс!